Orange slice festive decorations free colouring in bauble idea to make – Alice Draws The Line

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Orange slice decorations with a difference!

For the December 2020 newsletter I decided to create a slightly different colouring in sheet. Usually the colouring in sheets are all botanical and made with the idea of anyone being able to colour them in, as they wish, and hopefully enjoying some calm, mindful time while doing so.

For this one, I thought it would be nice to do something festive and so I've drawn orange slices (or they could be lemons, limes or grapefruit - you choose!). You can download it by clicking the image below or the link at the start of this paragraph.

Free downloadable colouring in sheet by Alice Draws the Line, orange slices bauble decoration

You can colour them in, cut them out and either add some string or ribbon to each one and hang as an individual 'slice'... like in the left image, or as a 3D bauble as shown in the picture on the right. 

Festive paper bauble to make at home by Alice Draws the Line, free botanical colouring in sheet Making a festive paper bauble by Alice Draws the Line, a paper orange to hang on the tree
For the first idea, I have just coloured in the slice and stuck some string to the back of it. You could do this double sided so you see a slice of orange whichever way the bauble hangs - just trap the string inside when you glue it together, or use double sided tape. If it is one sided you can use tape to stick the string or ribbon on.
For the second, fold each 'slice' in half with the colouring in side in. Do this with all 5 or print out another sheet and do 10 or however many you like.

Free bauble template by Alice Draws the Line, simple paper colouring in decoration idea

Next, add glue to the plain side of the folded slice, stick another one on top until you just have one left.

Make a festive bauble at home, a sliced orange bauble decoration by Alice Draws the Line

When you add the final 'slice', glue all of it and add a bit of string or ribbon before sticking the slice to the other ones so you will be able to hang it up.

Free Christmas decoration idea by Alice Draws the Line, orange slices bauble

You might need to pop it under something heavy while the glue sticks - just make sure there isn't too much excess glue or it will get stuck to whatever you are weighing it down with!

Orange slices decorations for Christmas, no oven needed decoration by Alice Draws the Line

Hang it up and enjoy!