Sketching in pyjamas… – Alice Draws The Line

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Sketching in pyjamas…

My alarm went of at 5.55am this morning (as it usually does). At 6 I got up to make a big mug of tea (masala chai if you are interested - it feels right for these dark, colder mornings!). As I walked to the kettle I noticed how the kitchen light caught the flowers I had ready and waiting to take to my friend. 

The lights shining on the flowers cast such a striking, clear shadow onto the floor. Before I even managed to finish making my tea I’d found two A3 sketchbooks and put them on the floor where the shadow fell. 

Alice Draws the Line - when inspiration strikes at 6.15am

I decided that for ease I’d use a brush pen rather than ink - and it wasn’t even 6.15 am by this point so I wanted to keep things simple and not get pots of ink out on the kitchen floor!

With the brush pen I followed the shadows on the page.

Alice Draws the Line sketching flower shadows in the early morning

The shadows were so fun and I was completely engrossed that as soon as I finished the first picture, I began another!

Alice Draws the Line sketching flowers first thing

When this complete absorption happens it is magic - engrossed in what I’m creating - even the tea was being neglected!

Alice Draws the Line, engrossed in creating flower shadow pictures, flow state

I’m excited to experiment more with this technique and with the pictures I created this morning.