Vitamin Sea… – Alice Draws The Line

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Vitamin Sea…

Last week I went to the sea for three days with my good friend Louise (we did our Art foundation together 20 years ago!). We had a lovely relaxing and creative time. 

Louise took this photo of me sketching on Aberystwyth beach.

Alice Savery of Alice Draws the Line sketching on Aberystwyth beach

This is the sketch I did. I experimented with some pro markers that I bought years ago - sadly they did bleed through the sketchbook pages but they were fun to play with.

Aberystwyth beach sketch by Alice Draws the Line

I used to sketch people a lot, but this is something I have fallen out of the habit of recently. So I sketched a couple of people on the beach. These were drawn with an ink pen and coloured with a brush pen.

Beach sketching by Alice Draws the Line

We sat by the harbour and had a pasty late one afternoon. I sketched the boats and the little petrol pump. Fountain pen used this time.

Aberystwyth harbour sketch by Alice Draws the Line

This next one was drawn from the car window, parked up at the harbour as it was raining. We had a mug of coffee each making use of the thermos and I sketched this little boat with pen and watercolour pencils. By the time we had finished our drinks the rain had stopped so we got out of the car and went for a walk.

Boat in the harbour at Aberystwyth by Alice Draws the Line

And another boat, drawn quickly with a fountain pen and a bit of colour added later with watercolour pencil. The pro marker from piece near the start bled through but it isn't really an issue.

Boat in the harbour at Aberystwyth by Alice Draws the Line

It was really lovely to draw these on location, soaking up the sea air and nattering away as I drew.