Workshops at Queenswood Country Park with Alice Draws the Line – Alice Draws The Line

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Workshops at Queenswood Country Park with Alice Draws the Line

Alice is running a couple of festive workshops in the Jubilee Room at Queenswood Country Park, on Dinmore Hill, between Leominster and Hereford on the 16th November 2024. 

There is a choice of two workshops - Christmas Calligraphy and Watercolour Wreaths. Refreshments will be provided and all the kit you need. 

The Christmas Calligraphy workshop is an introduction to modern calligraphy using a dip pen. You will be given all the kit you need (and it's yours to keep after the workshop so you can carry on at home). We will learn the basics mark making strokes before moving onto the alphabet and different styles. We can then see how we can use these new skills at Christmas - to make gift tags, Christmas Cards designs, or to write your cards with.  This workshop runs from 10.30-12.30 and is £40. 

Left-handed? no problem! Feel you have terrible handwriting - no problem! 

Book your place here!

The Watercolour Wreaths workshop is an introduction to watercolour. We keep it simple and focus on the colour green and use this to create leaf motifs. We will learn the basics mark making using a paintbrush and different techniques before moving onto using these to make patterns. We can then see how we can use these new skills at Christmas - to make gift tags, Christmas Cards designs, or place names.  You will be given all the kit you need (and it's yours to keep after the workshop so you can carry on at home). This workshop runs from 2-4pm and is £40.

You can book your place here!