Signs of Spring – Alice Draws The Line

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Signs of Spring

There have been so many lovely sightings on my walks near the studio recently. I often share these on my Instagram stories but I enjoy them so much I thought it might be nice to have a more permanent place for them to be.

Larch Flower by Alice Draws the Line

These beauties are Larch flowers - often hard to see as the branches are so high up, but sometimes you'll find a low enough branch to spot them, or the wind might blow some down to discover on the ground.

Wild garlic by Alice Draws the Line

Wild garlic - I have plans to make some cheese and garlic scones - or I might add them to a naan bread recipe.

Stitchwort by Alice Draws the Line

Stitchwort caught my eye on the verge - first I've seen this year.

Elm seeds by Alice Draws the Line

Wych elm seeds - such a bright lime colour that keeps catching my eye from the hedges.

Blackthorn blossom by Alice Draws the LIne

More lovely Blackthorn blossom - not yet tired of this sight!

Fern unfurling by Alice Draws the Line

A fern unfurling in the wood - I love these, like a lollipop at present and will slowly stretch out.

New bracken frond by Alice Draws the Line

The first shoot of bright green bracken pushing through the leaf litter.

First swallow sighting of the year by Alice Draws the Line

And finally, my first sighting of a Swallow this year - I took this photo on the 30th March and didn't believe it was a Swallow as it felt a bit too early!