A word from Alice - studio stories from Alice Draws the Line – Tagged "Black ink"– Alice Draws The Line

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A word from Alice - studio stories from Alice Draws the Line

  • Sketching outside with a HUGE piece of paper

    As regular readers will know, I seem to have an interest in experimenting with working at a larger scale.

    Last week I took a big piece of paper out into the parkland near the studio and sketched using one of my homemade feather quills.

  • Pigeons...

    Look at all these pigeons I spotted in Barmouth yesterday. All on the railway bridge.

    We hadn't parked for long enough for me to sketch them there and then, and so today I drew four from the photographs I took instead.

    I started with black ink - mixing it with water for the initial layer. Later adding colour pencils, white dry pastel, silver ink and charcoal pencil as well as black and grey brush pens.

  • Black Friday alternative

    Last November, instead of participating in a Black Friday sale, I made a selection of artwork using predominantly black ink. These I launched for sale on the Black Friday weekend. 

    I really enjoyed this and so am planning to do the same this year. 

    Last week, one of my very good friends donated me some old art materials that they no longer require. Included in the selection was a pot of ink. Coincidentally I was also donated some huge sheets of paper last week by someone local to the studio.

    On Friday I set about experimenting with them both. 

  • Sketching in a field

    The other day I went for a walk from the studio. I popped my A6 sketchbook, pen and watercolours in the pocket of my dungarees (-the fact that these fit in here is an exciting new discovery!) and took some tea too. There is something wonderful about working outdoors. I often fool myself into thinking that I need more kit or more time than I do - my favourite results are often created using a small piece of paper and just a pen and drawn quickly - no fretting or over stressing the situation. 
  • Black ink instead of Black Friday

    Today is Black Friday, the first Friday after Thanksgiving, the last Friday of November. I am nor running any deals today but instead have used it as a motivation to finally list these artworks online. They are all original pieces and so once they have sold - they have sold. I wrote a blog post to document them.